Hi Adam, as a Non-Supporting Member you have limited access to the website. See the snapshot of the boards below.
When new members join they have 30 days to decide if they would like to be a Supporting Member. After the 30 days, they are placed in the Non-Supporting Members area.
If at any time they would like to update their status as a Paid Member they can pay the "Prospect" Dues of $20 for the first year.
Yearly dues are as follows:
$40 per for existing Supporting Member’s
$20 for Prospect
Once prospects are voted in their membership rate will be prorated until the next years dues cycle. The rate will be $3.00 per month until January.
$10 for Passenger
Only if they desire their own screen name on the website and access to the Facebook page.
The 'passengers* will have their own, aptly named title in the forums (Passenger) and must be sponsored by a full member
Passengers do not have voting rights.
Dues will be payable at the meeting the following full month after joining. Membership dues are payable no later than January 31st of each year following. Your status will be upgraded to Full Member on the website as soon as possible and your membership will be good until the following January 31st.