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Monthly Meetings / Re: October Members Meeting and Gathering 10/20
« Last post by Mike Reynolds on September 28, 2024, 04:38:41 PM »
Looking forward to it
Monthly Meetings / October Members Meeting and Gathering 10/20
« Last post by Jamie Reynolds on September 28, 2024, 12:09:30 AM »
Stephanie & I are hosting the October members meeting and public gathering. Please post what you will be bringing. We have plenty of outlets, also have a grill & smoker for anyone who would like to cook something here. Please bring a camp chair. And don’t forget to bring the dogs.
Monthly Meetings / Members meeting and public gathering
« Last post by Jamie Reynolds on September 13, 2024, 09:54:45 AM »
Location 616 blackstream rd hermon ...Jeff will b hosting at his home. Starting at 4pm. Pot luck as usual bring something to share. I will b making chicken, burgers, and dogs. cornhole will b set up. Official club meeting and financials will start at 6pm. hope to see yall there.
Monthly Meetings / Re: August meeting
« Last post by Mike Reynolds on August 08, 2024, 02:27:38 PM »
Looking forward to it!
Monthly Meetings / August meeting
« Last post by Ed Conners on August 07, 2024, 09:57:23 AM »
Trina & I are hosting the August members meeting. There is limited parking in the upper driveway, plenty of parking in lower driveway. Please post what you will be bringing. We have plenty of outlets, also have a grill & smoker for anyone who would like to cook something here. Please bring a camp chair. Some GPS will bring you to Hermon, we live in corner of Fuller & Irish. The banner will be up.
July 20-21 Members Only Beach camping Porta potty included. Beddington , Pleasant river lake out route 9 wells rd . we have grill, oven and fridge. Plz note ther r smoking areas away from the beach/ my paradise. Bring camp chair, water shoes, and smiles. take out what u bring in. bring a main dish, side dish or dessert to share for the meeting sunday night at 5. i hav water plastic ware and plates. map to b loaded soon or its on Face Book . 207-659-9237 my cell w any other questions,
Monthly Meetings / April Members Meeting & Public Gathering
« Last post by Jamie Reynolds on April 01, 2024, 01:15:39 PM »
Aprils Monthly Meeting Will B @ Jamie Reynolds House. 357 Billings rd Hermon, Food, Fun, and Shenanigan's start at 5pm Please bring ur favorite dish. Members meeting starts at 6pm. Any questions plz feel free to call me 207-659-9237.
Monthly Meetings / March Members Meeting and Public Gathering
« Last post by Ed Conners on February 27, 2024, 10:26:24 AM »
The March meeting will be held at our house. Social hour is 5:00 meeting begins at 6:00. Come earlier if you like. It’s almost BBQ season, we have a grill & smoker if anyone would like to use it.  Also, we have 2 driveways. Please do not park on the grass off the upper driveway. It tends to be soft. Plenty of parking in the lower driveway. Please bring a chair & dish to pass.
Monthly Meetings / February monthly meeting
« Last post by Jamie Reynolds on February 09, 2024, 10:32:07 PM »
   5 o’clock social hour 6 o’clock meeting @ 616 Blackstream Rd, Bangor, ME 04401-0210, United States
Monthly Meetings / Januarys Monthly Meeting
« Last post by Jamie Reynolds on January 16, 2024, 04:47:12 PM »
Social Hour at 5pm, meeting at 6pm Potluck 357 billings road Hermon Maine 04401 any questions message me directly 207-659-9237 look forward two c ing u all
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